Join the Live On-line Master Class

Test Anxiety

Developing Intuitive Math and Testing Skills
With Jay Cutts MA – world’s leading expert.

eKnowledge is pleased to announce

a rare opportunity to work directly with the world’s leading
expert on test anxiety and intuitive math strategies.

Happy Kid with no test anxiety.

Who will benefit?

  • Test takers – improve general test taking skills for school and standardized exams.
  • Students with test anxiety – learn strategies for timing and problem solving.
  • All SAT/ACT students – learn foolproof intuitive general test taking strategies and specific math strategies to improve accuracy and increase scores.
  • Math-struggling students – we diagnose your student’s specific math deficiencies and anxieties and teach powerful intuitive tools.
  • Math-proficient students – develop advanced intuitive math skills.

Whether your child loves or hates math, is test anxious, is facing the SAT/ACT now or is several years away from it, this program boosts their abilities and confidence both in school and on tests.

Happy Girl taking a test online

What is covered?

This is a live, online, interactive class.  Jay will personally diagnose your child’s specific test and math deficiencies. Together, and as a group, they will explore individualized intuitive approaches to overcoming their specific math and general test taking anxieties.

What is the cost?

The course value is $1,360.  However, eKnowledge has arranged a special opportunity for just 30 of our students to attend this live online interactive four (4) week (8 hours) course for just $250.

Please don’t miss this rare opportunity to receive personalized instruction from the leading expert in test anxiety and intuitive approaches.

 Seats will fill quickly, reserve your spot now!

$1360 $250

Easy payment plans are available for families with financial hardship.

The Course Overview

Sessions:   Four 2-hour sessions
Dates:         July 18, 25, Aug 1, 8
Days:           Saturdays
Times:         1:00 to 3:00 pm EDT

Content: Hands-on individualized work on specific test anxieties, intuitive math approaches, actual ACT/SAT questions, with detailed explanations, Q&A. Special instruction on timing strategy for ACT/SAT and advanced testing and problem-solving strategies. 

Kids checking out the course

How to Overcome Test Anxiety

Timed exams can cause a debilitating subconscious, emotional battle to rage inside a student’s mind pitting the need to “get the right answer” against the overwhelming urge to “move faster”.   This internal conflict affects every student, but it can paralyze some with anxiety.   Additionally, anxiety spikes when students can eliminate all but two answer choices, but they are unable to decide which of the two is correct.   As time passes, these cycles and conflicts repeat and pressure and anxiety build, leading to even more anxiety.

We teach students how to break these vicious cycles and control pressure and anxiety.  They will learn advanced and powerful strategies about:

  1.  Effective time management.
  2. Understanding the test-maker and what they want.
  3. Effectively working two answers against each other to get to the correct one.
Confident Girl standing in front of chalk board.

What is Intuitive Math?

Schools tend to teach math as an abstraction. Without context, many students struggle. But those students who seem to “get math” naturally contextualize it on their own. Often without realizing it, they create intuitive strategies to understand the concepts and relationships. These Intuitive strategies are hands-on, simple, visual, and easy to understand yet they are powerful and essential for problem solving.

When math-anxious students learn and use intuitive strategies, they become part of the group that “Gets Math” allowing them to quickly solve problems they used to consider incomprehensible.

When the already math-proficient students learn these intuitive math strategies, their natural abilities explode, elevating them to “Math Beasts”!!

Kid on wheel chair taking class

What are Test Taking Strategies?

Inefficient, ineffective, or non-existent strategies account for well over half of the questions students get wrong.  The other half are caused by insufficient subject matter expertise.

 Our test-taking strategies teach students to answer more questions correctly without increasing their subject matter expertise.  

We teach students strategies like estimation, process of elimination, back-solving, and answer testing.  Other strategies involve understanding the fundamental agendas of the test-makers and learning to logically prove that one answer must be correct by recognizing the fatal flaws in the other answers.  Some of the more advanced strategies include recognizing repeating test-patterns and learning intuitive tools to organize complex information in a way the student understands.

The Instructor


Jay B. Cutts, MA is a nationally-recognized specialist in math and verbal learning styles. During his remarkable 30-year career, he has discovered unique and intuitive tools to assist the generally test-anxious and the specific math-anxious students on standardized exams. He does math problems for fun and your student can too!

LSAT and MCAT Books

Mr. Cutts is the lead author of the Barron’s LSAT preparation book for law school applicants, the Barron’s MCAT Preparation Book for medical school applicants, and the Barron’s MCAT Flash Cards. He is also the author of the forthcoming book Intuitive Math – 100+ Power Strategies for ACT and SAT Math.

As the Special Education Director at the Albuquerque Institute for Math and Science, he developed unique and progressive math and test taking strategies through decades of research and work with both gifted students and students with learning disabilities. He discovered unique, tailored, and intuitive learning approaches that students across the spectrum respond to.

Your student has the rare opportunity to work one-on-one with one of the pre-eminent experts in the world.


Mr. Cutts can be contacted directly
Call: (505) 281-0684  email:

©2020 eKnowledge, Inc. All rights reserved., 6175 Hickory Flat Hwy, #392, Canton, GA 30115, Call 1-951-256-4076.